Last was challenging to the human race. The pandemic bushfire in Australia the subsequent economic meltdown forced humans to focus on what is of paramount importance and how to respond to calamities as a global community. The mutual support and bond can only restore the pandemonium. The community is still under the financial and emotional turmoil of the unprecedented events. The lingering effect of social disengagement, uncertainty and fear hangs on the air. People took different means to counter the grappling effect, alcohol sales surged, and drinking increased considerably. People took refuge in drugs and alcohol to fight financial loss and emotional trauma.
The impulsive curve
In layman`s language, addiction is the inability to stop taking a substance or stop an activity. The person cannot resist the impulsive curve even it causes financial, mental and physical harm. Most people assume addiction is related to a lack of self-control or will. But pragmatically, addiction is a complex health disorder constituting various factors like trauma, social exclusion, environmental, biological risk factor and genetics. Around one in four Australian citizens develops gambling or alcohol disorder during their lifetime. Despite widespread presumption, addiction affects people of all ages and social stature.
Occasional slot or poker entertaining
Risk-taking is an inherent part of the human race, which builds world-famous entrepreneurs, innovation and enhanced creativity. But problems arise when one crosses the boundary, desires to take reckless risks. Around one per cent of the world population is affected by problem gambling. Extreme, irresponsible gambling is recognized as a disorder by World Health Organization (WHO). One can certainly enjoy gambling even if the player loses an affordable amount. Occasional slot or poker game in slot pg is always innocently entertaining and thrilling. But it becomes perilous when gambling disrupts the social and family life of the player.
Support groups
According to Gambling Commission, there are about 340,000 problem gamblers in the UK in 2016. Most of them are unemployed males than students or retired people. The male problem gamblers fall between twenty-five to thirty-five pages. Most of them come from black or other minority ethnic communities than white European or Asian. In addition, most addicted gamblers suffer from other mental and physical illnesses.
A player must admit the issue of problem gambling before taking corrective steps. One cannot resolve an issue until he understands it. The American Psychiatric Association states addiction is a mental and health problem identical to drug or alcohol addiction. There are many support groups around the world to help a problem gambler; members of the group have similar prior experience. So they do not judge or stigmatize the person but compassionate and tender towards him.
Though they are not professional counselors, but lend a strong and empathetic shoulder to lean on. Gamblers Anonymous is such a support team builds to provide the necessary support to problem gamblers. The group helps problem gamblers with twelve basic steps used by other universal support groups. By replacing negative behaviors with positive ones like walking, swimming, yoga and meditation, one can refocus on the bright side of life. Restricted, responsible gambling is always enjoyable.